Sunday, August 9, 2015

  The Final War(s)

Many conspirators believe that the final war will happen to be world war three and then we'll all lose our freedom. Yes, I believe that'll be true, but I do not believe that world war three will be the final war. I honestly thought of this idea from the top of my head because I was researching information on secret societies. Anyways, there are so many secret societies out there in the world today and they're very secretive too. There are even secret societies out there in the world that many are aware that their motives are to rule over the world. So now, you're probably wondering what the heck does secret societies have to do with the final wars do you? It has a lot to do with wars with a quick theory I've come up with.
All throughout history there have been secret societies and they've may have been influenced by something or someone or another organization whose goals were similar. These secret societies hid information that was forbidden for the public during those times and harsh crimes even were ready for them if they were to be found with such information. But anyways, secret societies in the world has had powerful motives and it's scary that many secret societies still exists today.
So what do I think will become the final wars? Well I believe before "the final war(s) there will be World War Three first. The main objective for this war is just like the majority of wars in the old times. Just another way to modify human behavioral and another way to secretly take a lot of freedoms through fear. It will just be a game of the big guns sitting in the shadows smoking a cigar and making their next move on how can we continue taking freedom and also what should be the final plan for world domination? There will be a whole lot of scary events happening during this time and many people will still be blinded and the big guns in the shadows will still be calling this war to end all terrorism!
But just before this war happens, there will be a whole lot of planned events I can see, such events I have no knowledge of, but I have a very bad feeling about such events. One of the biggest events would to do something to depopulate the world's population because in order for them to carry out their agenda successfully, it will be obvious that war alone won't be enough to kill of the world's population. So they will try to combine both war and some bad terrible event to happen at the same time the third world war is going on. Then I have a feeling that the president during the time will say something on the lines such as this "Citizens of the United States, this message is urgent! We must put all citizens in relocation camps (actually FEMA camps) so we can protect the citizens of the United States from terrorists" People will be so afraid of the terrorists that they will just move along, but those who are courageous will stay back and fight the "terrorists." I feel that the real terrorist will be all branches of the U.S. armies. Every branch will work together to carry out the elitist blood cold agenda. The branches of services will be brainwashed and truly believe what they're doing is to protect the citizens of the United States. They'll be so ignorant that it'll be unbearable to watch!
As time move forward I feel as if they're going to be ready for the New World Order. The president during the time will say something on the lines of this "We've defeated the terrorists!" The people of the public will be so happy and feel relieved and so many changes will have been going on, the people of the public won't even care if so much has changed. So much will have been changed during the war, the president will say something on the lines of this "Since we are still clearing up to find leaders of the terrorist groups, we will have to keep you in the relocation camps just for a little while, protecting the citizens is our number one priority!" The citizens will gain so much trust in this president, they will do whatever he says and because of they're so afraid, they'll do anything he says because anyone should know that fear is one of the most damned powerful emotions in the world out there! They will continue using scare tactics while they begin to have their final plans of how they will complete the New World Order.
Now, as I said before, I don't believe the final war will be World War 3! I believe the last war will be the war between all of the secret societies. I believe that once they're all happy that they're going to get the power that they've waited for so so  many years to obtain, they will all have a disburse of a dark argument of who should be in control. These arguments between all of the secret societies who run the world today will get out of control and finally have a war between each other.
But wait, if they're fighting over who will become the true ruler of the new world order, what will be happening on in the FEMA relocation camps? There will be constant procrastination on "We're still on the lookout for remainder terrorist" said by the president during that time! The citizens will begin to become very tired of hearing the same news every single day and ready to go back to their homes with their friends and families and start life back to normal with no more chaos around anymore. There will hopefully be some awakened people around and notice that the time is right to awaken the public of the truth! The people will learn the truth because of the awakened people who have been sticking around and the public will begin to become furious and finally get the courage and willpower to overtake their country back! But this will not be an easy job because all of the guns have been taken by the military. The military shoot the citizens on sight because they've been modified to shoot anyone who leaves out of the perimeters on sight! This will truly become another revolution in history. This revolution will be a revolution for the liberty of everyone in the United States (specifically)! The secret societies will begin to notice this and stop having their little war on the public. It'll be total chaos on each end. The citizens of the United States will begin taking their country back and building it back to the country it once use to be many years ago! But, there will still be attempts of taking it over by the secret societies from every angle. So wait, will the citizens truly become strong enough to stop secret societies from attacking? I believe not at all. Those people were so damn smart and will not allow their plans to falter so quick. They will stop at nothing to get what they've wanted and people will not be smart enough to realize who will be the change agents in their surroundings.
I feel that the secret societies will become secret again hiding in the shadows planning out a new master plan on the world... The endless cycle will not stop if these societies and ideologies of taking over the world will still be around.... I feel that there will need to be an elite team of both intelligent and strong team force to take out the secret societies who plan to take over the world, so the world can really begin a new paradigm with no evil planning on triumphing over the world from the beginning...
I hope some of this stuff don't actually happen... But what I do hope happen is that the public begin questioning authority and start to fight for their liberty. Liberty and freedom are the most precious things in the world and it's so hard to obtain, but at the same time it's totally free. But there are always people who want to gain power and become the ruler and throughout history, there has been proof that this is actually true. A revolution alone will not allow us to obtain our liberty back, well that would work only if the military would be awakened because if it were to be a revolution they'll just blindly follow orders and believe what they have been programmed to believe which is "What they're doing is completely alright and safe. It's for the better of our country!" The orders will to be to shoot people that disobey. We wont have our guns because they are pushing to take guns away so bad. We'll have to use another method of protecting ourselves and our families and friends, that is for sure.
Everything I said, just came to me naturally. As I mentioned before, I hope the only thing that actually happens is for the public begin to question authority and awaken themselves. I hope we be able to take our country back. The country whose values are to be absolutely free and to wish to live out our dreams and desires one day! Protecting everyone's dreams is my true dream and I will not give up such a dream so easily! That is all I have to say today...

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