Monday, August 10, 2015

Government Funded Programs Corruption Spotted

                                                 The Scholarship Enrichment Conspiracy Part 1
What is this program? {JUST to let everyone know, I changed the name of this program because I have special ties with it!} It's called the Scholarship Enrichment Program. Again, this is another government funded program and what that means "again" is that if the government funds something, the taxpayers pays for it out of their money and also the government has total access over it and experimenting with the program on the reasons it's funding it one way or another. With this particular article, I will get straight to the point and try not to get so emotional with it. I joined the Scholarship Enrichment Program because I heard rumors when I was a sophomore in high school that it will help pay for two free years of your college tuition at any community college in Michigan! I got a rude awakening my junior year in high school though, they don't give you shit, they just help you work on scholarships!
When I became completely awakened, which was about last summer (2014) I begin researching in education a lot and listening to Charlotte Iserbyt. The Scholarship Enrichment Summer Institute Program begin just a week and it last for 6 weeks. The summer program is supposed to be so that it can help the students succeed further in his education, I also begin asking the staff a ton of questions about the educational system. I was able to confirm some things since I asked a lot of questions. I asked one of the staff members about the Bush's No Child Left Behind Act, and then I asked another staff worker about what education system did the school district use. She told me that they went under rigorous studies. Using the word rigorous was keyword, so then I asked her the question of what system does the Scholarship Enrichment Program use, and she then tells me that it's the exact system the school district uses. So then I said to myself in my head "Ohhh, Common Core...."
As the summer program goes on I begin becoming even more aware of how the program staff workers treats us. They treated us as if we were less intelligent and can't get further without their help. They would say something similar to this "Oh I know you're not ready for college, that's why the Scholarship Enrichment Program is here to help you become ready." Another famous line they'd say there is "Without us you wouldn't have made it this far!" When I became aware of some of the things they said, I get really sad, I also get pissed off from time to time. Another line is "Oh do you feel like you're even ready for a school with such a rigorous curriculum?" When someone says such words to you, you get really hurt deep down inside and it happened to me.
So this is the theory about the Scholarship Enrichment Program. The Scholarship Enrichment Program is a government funded program and it is corrupted in a way, you just have to really be awakened to notice it and really observe some of the things they do there. Their job is to make sure the test scores of Scholarship Enrichment students be far more above the school district's test scores. Their job is to use a form of psycho-politics on the students to make the students feel as if without the Scholarship Enrichment program, the students will not be able to make it far and they'll just be another average student.
Honestly, I'm not going to lie, this program has improved my education a bit. I am a victim of Common Core's Math sadly... I must say because of this program I did learn a lot and my math did improve a bit. But overall, I will not cut this program any slack because it is corrupted in a slight bit but it's really hard to spot it out if you're not someone that's awakened.
To sum this theory up, The Scholarship Enrichment Program is to use psycho-politics in a way that the students of Scholarship Enrichment feel as if they will not gain more knowledge without the help of Scholarship Enrichment. It's government funded and it has been around in my area for quite some years now. At first students within this particular program test scores were far much higher than it is today. I feel as if the government has finished their experiment with Scholarship Enrichment in my community and is now finding ways to end it because they would say things like this to the staff (according to the staff members) "Oh, why are their test scores dropping each year? Why are there Scholarship Enrichment Students taking remedial courses in college?" So with that said, this program was helpful for me in a way, but finding it's corruption is so tricky.

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