Wednesday, August 26, 2015

My True Dream~ Part 1

Today, many people that are aware of the crap that is going on believe in this quote by George Carlin "That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it." Now, I am normally a dreamer, I dream of a lot of things, but that does not stop me from seeing the crap that is going on today. My dreams are honestly what keeps me going. But back to what George Carlin was saying. Every time I hear of that quote, I get upset and feel down... I know what he's saying is true. In the video of George Carlin "The American Dream" he speaks so much truth in just such short amount of time... But there is something I would like to say about what's he's saying. I believe that reaching the American Dream is possible, but it will not be easy. It will be the most difficult task to reach the dream in this day and age. There are so many traps right ahead of us to prevent us from reaching that goal. To be honest, I'm starting to see that the only way to reach that goal today is to become self-employed and to make sure you have no debt.
The way the system is set up today is just terrible. The elitist are creating a poverty gap between the rich and the poor. Today you see more and more people graduating college with massive debt with no jobs, Oh wait, they do get jobs, it's working at McDonald's flipping burgers and if they're lucky, they can become manager! College is a complete scam, unless you learn how to utilize the scam to your advantage. I've begin noticing that a lot. Although I'm also a college student, I do not plan on working for someone after I graduate, I plan to become self-employed. I actually will begin my self-employment next summer. I'm only completing college to make my mom proud.
Time and time again every since middle school, you hear how important an education is and you must go to college to live the American Dream. Again, here go the quote from George Carlin comes in... I met a man named "Steve Solomon" and he told me that "College isn't for learning, it's for mind control." That is all I currently have to say about this, I will soon write another article about The American Dream and I will get more detailed in it.

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