Wednesday, August 26, 2015

My Journey into the Deep Web
My first journey into the deep web happened around May 2015. I was extremely cautious of going into the deep web because initially, I was afraid of running into such creepy stuff. But, luckily, I was able to get passed my fear of the unknown. So, my curiosity peaked and I finally got the guts to search the deep web. So, I was on the tor browser and got onto the Wikipedia of the dark web. I saw so many links to endless amounts of things and most of the links lead into illegal site material. So I finally ran into a link that I was interested in and it was a link to an Illuminati page. Sadly, there was a password that I had no knowledge of so I backed away from it. It could have just been a joke for all we know of. But anyways, there was a huge article I ran into about the Matrix we live in. I did not continue to finish reading the article because my curiosity wanted to continue to explore, not read that.
So then after a while, I was trying to continue going to different websites from the Wikipedia of the dark web, but i continued to get internet fails. I guess it had something to do with my ISP not allowing me to access websites on the dark web. I can find out how to access them, but I was way to lazy to find out how during the time. But anyways, the websites I came across were websites to help me further my learning on the darkness of our world. But I failed to find anything deeper or any hidden information because every time I went to the link, I either had an internet problem and or the website has been taken down. See, in the dark web, it's like a constant war between these random people of the dark web and also the FBI.
Here's a guy on YouTube who gives tours of the deep web! 

With that said, I have no intentions of visiting the dark web anymore, well unless I decide uploading a video about it. But as of right now, I don't want to. It's too dark of a place. I must learn to fill my heart with light and not fill it up by creating more hatred of discovering the stuff on that site. That is all I have to say for this one!

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