Wednesday, August 26, 2015

My True Dream~ Part 1

Today, many people that are aware of the crap that is going on believe in this quote by George Carlin "That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it." Now, I am normally a dreamer, I dream of a lot of things, but that does not stop me from seeing the crap that is going on today. My dreams are honestly what keeps me going. But back to what George Carlin was saying. Every time I hear of that quote, I get upset and feel down... I know what he's saying is true. In the video of George Carlin "The American Dream" he speaks so much truth in just such short amount of time... But there is something I would like to say about what's he's saying. I believe that reaching the American Dream is possible, but it will not be easy. It will be the most difficult task to reach the dream in this day and age. There are so many traps right ahead of us to prevent us from reaching that goal. To be honest, I'm starting to see that the only way to reach that goal today is to become self-employed and to make sure you have no debt.
The way the system is set up today is just terrible. The elitist are creating a poverty gap between the rich and the poor. Today you see more and more people graduating college with massive debt with no jobs, Oh wait, they do get jobs, it's working at McDonald's flipping burgers and if they're lucky, they can become manager! College is a complete scam, unless you learn how to utilize the scam to your advantage. I've begin noticing that a lot. Although I'm also a college student, I do not plan on working for someone after I graduate, I plan to become self-employed. I actually will begin my self-employment next summer. I'm only completing college to make my mom proud.
Time and time again every since middle school, you hear how important an education is and you must go to college to live the American Dream. Again, here go the quote from George Carlin comes in... I met a man named "Steve Solomon" and he told me that "College isn't for learning, it's for mind control." That is all I currently have to say about this, I will soon write another article about The American Dream and I will get more detailed in it.
My Journey into the Deep Web
My first journey into the deep web happened around May 2015. I was extremely cautious of going into the deep web because initially, I was afraid of running into such creepy stuff. But, luckily, I was able to get passed my fear of the unknown. So, my curiosity peaked and I finally got the guts to search the deep web. So, I was on the tor browser and got onto the Wikipedia of the dark web. I saw so many links to endless amounts of things and most of the links lead into illegal site material. So I finally ran into a link that I was interested in and it was a link to an Illuminati page. Sadly, there was a password that I had no knowledge of so I backed away from it. It could have just been a joke for all we know of. But anyways, there was a huge article I ran into about the Matrix we live in. I did not continue to finish reading the article because my curiosity wanted to continue to explore, not read that.
So then after a while, I was trying to continue going to different websites from the Wikipedia of the dark web, but i continued to get internet fails. I guess it had something to do with my ISP not allowing me to access websites on the dark web. I can find out how to access them, but I was way to lazy to find out how during the time. But anyways, the websites I came across were websites to help me further my learning on the darkness of our world. But I failed to find anything deeper or any hidden information because every time I went to the link, I either had an internet problem and or the website has been taken down. See, in the dark web, it's like a constant war between these random people of the dark web and also the FBI.
Here's a guy on YouTube who gives tours of the deep web! 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Deep Web

                                                           The Deep Web
The Deep Web is claimed to be the darkest and most deepest part of the internet. It's below the surface of the surface web. Well, I would like to point out, that the deep web has a lot of dark stuff on it, I would give the deep web the name Criminal Land. It's like an anarchy online. You're not able to access it on a regular web browser. You're only able to access the deep web by having an alternate web browser, such as a web browser named Tor. Tor browser allows you to access the parts of the internet you wont be able to see through Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox and so on.
If you would like to visit the deep web, you have to be extra cautious of everything you do. As I mentioned before, it's like crime land to criminals and creeps. So you'll be able to easily see all of that stuff out in the open and if you're not careful, you'll be easy to track. Many people recommend you use a VPN while accessing the deep web. A VPN will allow you to change your IP address. So just say if my location was in Alabama, I would like to use a VPN and the VPN will change my IP address to somewhere in Arizona. That's what a VPN does and it allows you to not get tracked so easily. When you're on the deep web, it's also wise to not download anything from it because if you download something from the deep web, you'll become vulnerable of getting tracked. So, it's very risky getting on here, well if you don't want to get tracked down.
Anyways, now you're wondering what's on the deep web? Well, it's a scary place as I said before. On the deep web, they have everything from illegal passports, credit cards, buying weapons,  ID's, child pornography, they propagandize; rape, murder and kidnapping. The deep web also allows you to have access to buying drugs! Anything from marijuana to LSD and the list continues to go on and on. There are ebooks that are free! In the dark web, their currency is mostly bitcoins and a lot of the stuff on the deep web are scams.

Here's a video from a YouTuber who explores the deep web for those who are curious to know what's on it. 

Who Controls Our Children - Outcome Based Education.avi

If you're really interested in learning more about the corruption in the educational systems, watch this video, another recommendation is to do some research in Charlette Iserbyt.

The reason why I am so much deep into exposing education corruption is because I see it like a fly stuck on a living room wall see everything in the living room.

                                        How Public Education Affected Me

It all started when I was in the second grade, where I begin noticing a change in school. I loved school so much, I enjoyed learning and so on. But, as soon as I reached the second grade, I begin hating school so much. Schooling begin to feel like there's more assignments and no fun in the education. The elementary school I attended in my  school district even consolidated the students at the school into other schools in the school district, but that didn't happen until after winter break of my 2nd grade school year. I begin disliking school even more when I transferred elementary schools. It was miserable for me to get up everyday to go to school. But anyways, in this particular article, I will discuss how public education in a impoverished area affected my learning.
So, as I said before, when I was in second grade, that's when I begin hating school so much. I was always the quiet one in school and never talked unless someone talked to me or if I was outside for recces. So, in school, the teachers always called me one of the smarter students and that I am so good. So, since I was young, I believed that I was actually one of the smarter students. But, as soon as I transferred elementary schools in 2nd grade, I begin noticing math was getting so difficult. It was as if I was torn. After that school year, the school district reopened the elementary school I went to before. I was in third grade and was reward as one of the smarter students because of me being so nice and quiet and the teachers loved that! So, I had a boost of confidence that I was one of the smarter students so I continued to stay nice and quiet. By that time, I knew damn well that in order to be one of the smart students, you had to behave well in school, so I kept that charade up. But as time moved on, I continued to realize that math was hell for me. I could never understand the work at all. Luckily, reading was never difficult like math was for me back then.
So 5th grade comes around and I continued to be one of the good students. But, during this time, I also begin hanging with the wrong crowd in elementary and begin doing bad things. I begin being the worst 5th grade student in the class with my teacher. I even talked back to my 5th grade teacher! So during that year, I lost my title of being the smarter students. At the time, I was having fun with the popular students, but at the same time, I wanted my title as one of the smartest students in fifth grade. So I tried to be one of the good students again and my efforts were futile, so I continued being bad in 5th grade. The teacher begin threatening me that I was going to fail the 5th grade because of my "behavior." Math continued being a problem for me. This endless cycle continued to go on for the rest of the year. Luckily, I happened to pass 5th grade.
When I got into middle school, it was official that math wasn't my thing and that it is always going to be a problem for me in life. My grades were bad when I begin middle school because I wasn't used to having multiple teachers, but that changed fast. I begin becoming one of the quiet, good, nice students once again and I begin excelling in middle school as I did prior to 5th grade. My worries of math was gone and stop being a bother, but they were still a problem for me. What I noticed during middle school is that a lot of behavior problems were happening and I realized that I can get through this as long as I be a good student and also turn in all my work. I was always observing and noticed how to get around stuff such as using methods of getting around obstacles instead of facing them and finishing them.
As time moved on, I went into high school and I noticed that, that behavior charade didn't work in High School. I noticed that in order to pass, I would have to turn in my work. During that time I still stayed one of the good students. But math once again started to attack me. Math begin becoming an obstacle in high school, but thankfully, I was able to pass it up.
Now, after reading my story throughout elementary, middle and high school, you may be wondering, how did public education affect me? Well, now it's about that time I spill the beans out of the can. The way that public education affected me was by behavior modification, wanting to be one of the smarter students and also using my good behavior to pass by. Behavior modification is replacing your behavior. So just say if a student named Kimmy always stomps her feet if she gets in trouble, her teacher will modify her behavior by rewarding Kimmy a piece of candy, to stop stomping her feet and Kimmy will stop stomping her feet because she wants that reward. Oh another method of behavior modification is threatening the student and calling the student parent's if their parents were strict like mines were. A famous line in my elementary school a teacher would say "If you don't stop this I'll be calling your parents!" If you think about it, behavior modification is like training a dog to obey. In this case scenario, us students, were like the dog being trained. Psychologist B.F. Skinner was a Trojan horse into the educational system today.
 In school, just about the majority of the teachers in school (specifically in elementary school) always pulled out that line between the good students and the bad, or otherwise known as the smart students and the bad students. You had to be either or, if you were good, you were smart and if you were bad you weren't classified as smart. Even if you've been proven smart and had behavior issues, you would still be classified as bad because of your behavior. I remember that there was this one student who was the smartest student in the class, but he was classified as a bad student and never got his recognition. What's strange though, is that the majority of students were bad, there was only a few students who was actually good students. Public education really affected me by math though. I suck at math and I still do til this day. I was never good at it and whenever I did ask for help, we only went over that particular math part for that day. So one day we could be learning about exponents and the next day we could be doing multiplication and division. The system moved too fast for me to catch on and asking for help was effortless because we would be working on it for only a day and then move on. It was as if, there was no teaching going on, but really dealing with behavior issues in the classroom, glorifying the smart students and also talking about how important the Meap Test (Michigan Educational Assessment Program) is and the ACT Test when you get in high school. I still remember til this day how this police officer came into my third grade class talking about how important those test were because the jail system build more jails based upon how many students are scoring low on those test.
So with that said, my school district has affected me  because of that old saying of the good students were classified as smart students, the teachers not teaching but baby sitting and talking about how good certain students were. The stuff we were learning were basically only taught for one day and we moved on to something else in that unit. That went on until I got into high school though. When I got in high school, there was not that much teaching, there was just "Turn in that assignment when it's due." I never really learned, until I got into the 10th grade and had a world history class. That class is where my curiosity sparked and I really begin questioning the world on everything. After that year I begin dwelling to search for the truth of this dark cold world. And every since then, the phony education system was not a problem for me. Whenever I heard a teacher call a student smart when I was in the 11th and 12th grade, I laugh on the inside because smart is their eyes is getting all A's and B's and having that 3.5 and 4.0's. That means NOTHING to someone's intelligence and I could have proved that multiple times while I was in school. The only way, I could say I became more intelligent than a lot of the students in high school was because that spark of curiosity for finding the truth and me finally starting to ask questions. I also begin reading a lot and that helped me stay on top of the game. I didn't have a 4.0 graduating high school, I graduated with a 3.3. When I became aware of what's going on in this world, I stopped caring about having a high G.P.A. I declared that I don't want some scale of how much work I turn in to measure my intelligence. I'm actually not smart yet, I still have so much to learn of this world...

Monday, August 10, 2015

Government Funded Programs Corruption Spotted

                                                 The Scholarship Enrichment Conspiracy Part 1
What is this program? {JUST to let everyone know, I changed the name of this program because I have special ties with it!} It's called the Scholarship Enrichment Program. Again, this is another government funded program and what that means "again" is that if the government funds something, the taxpayers pays for it out of their money and also the government has total access over it and experimenting with the program on the reasons it's funding it one way or another. With this particular article, I will get straight to the point and try not to get so emotional with it. I joined the Scholarship Enrichment Program because I heard rumors when I was a sophomore in high school that it will help pay for two free years of your college tuition at any community college in Michigan! I got a rude awakening my junior year in high school though, they don't give you shit, they just help you work on scholarships!
When I became completely awakened, which was about last summer (2014) I begin researching in education a lot and listening to Charlotte Iserbyt. The Scholarship Enrichment Summer Institute Program begin just a week and it last for 6 weeks. The summer program is supposed to be so that it can help the students succeed further in his education, I also begin asking the staff a ton of questions about the educational system. I was able to confirm some things since I asked a lot of questions. I asked one of the staff members about the Bush's No Child Left Behind Act, and then I asked another staff worker about what education system did the school district use. She told me that they went under rigorous studies. Using the word rigorous was keyword, so then I asked her the question of what system does the Scholarship Enrichment Program use, and she then tells me that it's the exact system the school district uses. So then I said to myself in my head "Ohhh, Common Core...."
As the summer program goes on I begin becoming even more aware of how the program staff workers treats us. They treated us as if we were less intelligent and can't get further without their help. They would say something similar to this "Oh I know you're not ready for college, that's why the Scholarship Enrichment Program is here to help you become ready." Another famous line they'd say there is "Without us you wouldn't have made it this far!" When I became aware of some of the things they said, I get really sad, I also get pissed off from time to time. Another line is "Oh do you feel like you're even ready for a school with such a rigorous curriculum?" When someone says such words to you, you get really hurt deep down inside and it happened to me.
So this is the theory about the Scholarship Enrichment Program. The Scholarship Enrichment Program is a government funded program and it is corrupted in a way, you just have to really be awakened to notice it and really observe some of the things they do there. Their job is to make sure the test scores of Scholarship Enrichment students be far more above the school district's test scores. Their job is to use a form of psycho-politics on the students to make the students feel as if without the Scholarship Enrichment program, the students will not be able to make it far and they'll just be another average student.
Honestly, I'm not going to lie, this program has improved my education a bit. I am a victim of Common Core's Math sadly... I must say because of this program I did learn a lot and my math did improve a bit. But overall, I will not cut this program any slack because it is corrupted in a slight bit but it's really hard to spot it out if you're not someone that's awakened.
To sum this theory up, The Scholarship Enrichment Program is to use psycho-politics in a way that the students of Scholarship Enrichment feel as if they will not gain more knowledge without the help of Scholarship Enrichment. It's government funded and it has been around in my area for quite some years now. At first students within this particular program test scores were far much higher than it is today. I feel as if the government has finished their experiment with Scholarship Enrichment in my community and is now finding ways to end it because they would say things like this to the staff (according to the staff members) "Oh, why are their test scores dropping each year? Why are there Scholarship Enrichment Students taking remedial courses in college?" So with that said, this program was helpful for me in a way, but finding it's corruption is so tricky.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

                                 Upcoming All Charter School District Part 1! 
Well as far as I can remember, when I was in the 2nd grade, I remember my elementary school being closed down and my 2nd grade teacher begin assigning all of the students to different elementary schools. After that school year, they reopened that elementary school again and then I remember the school district closing an elementary school that was down the street from my home. They sent the teachers from that school to the school that I attended to in elementary and reopened my elementary school. I went back to my elementary school the next school year. So for a while, you could see the school district opening and closing schools, it then went to the middle school of opening and closing schools. I even remember my older sister attending a middle school and they closed it down in the name of a budget! So for a while the terrors of closing elementary and middle schools went dormant. Then, once I got in the 8th grade, they consolidated a middle school into my middle school (both middle school's were rivals too so I thought it was going to be a living hell, but it turned out to be okay in the end). So now, once I get in the 9th grade, you hear a lot of rumors about Benton Harbor Area Schools may be an all charter school because my school district cannot pay off their debt. So you continue to see closing and re-openings of elementary schools middle schools and so on. You continue to see consolidation as well. within elementary and middle schools.
So recently in January there was a school board meeting that i attended (I work at my high school, the only reason why I accepted the job was because my teacher wanted me to get the job, otherwise I would have repudiated the offer). The board meeting was talking about consolidating the remaining elementary schools and the final middle school that's standing. So they were also talking about building a new school with grades 1st to 8th, and the preschools and kindergarten schools remain at the same building. Here's where things get deep! They were talking about using TAX dollars do build the new school! but also, in order for this work the votes have to go through from the community I believe.
At the beginning of my senior high school year, there was a rumor that we were receiving a sid grant. This is suppose to be a grant that is going to grant us a lot of money to turn my school district around for the better! This rumor turned out to be quite real as well! What I've learned from going to the school board meetings is that my school district (Benton Harbor Area Schools) are in a $20 million debt! I can also recall that each student is worth approximately $7,000 (can't remember the exact number). During the previous board meeting it was so serious that the Treasury of Michigan was there speaking with the school board members. When the treasury got up there to speak, that's where I couldn't understand ANYTHING they were talking about. To be very honest, the only person in that room who I believe understood anything the Treasury of Michigan was talking was the Treasury of Michigan & also the superintendent of my school district because the only ones whom were talking were those people. Oh there was a new member of the school board that day too. I don't believe he understood what they were talking about but he was quite serious about how the heck did we end up in this situation?
So the sig-grant is suppose to extend our school periods from 7:30 to 4:15pm and gets out for the summer LATE in June I believe. With that said, I think I know how my school district is going to turn into an all charter school district. When they extend the periods many students will stop going to my school district and then our school with start losing multiple amounts of money since students are technically collateral.
So here's how my school district learning system will be, I picked this up from a secret presentation that's not supposed to be out for the public from my classroom (yea I did some bad things to figure out the truth).

Here are going to be the school system's learning system
*Power Standards
*Common Core State Standards
*Michigan Expectations
*Literacy/Numeracy Programming
*Career/Technical Programming
*Skills Base Learning
*Essential Questions

I will be writing another article on this, this is just the beginning of how I see my school district becoming an all Charter School district!

  The Final War(s)

Many conspirators believe that the final war will happen to be world war three and then we'll all lose our freedom. Yes, I believe that'll be true, but I do not believe that world war three will be the final war. I honestly thought of this idea from the top of my head because I was researching information on secret societies. Anyways, there are so many secret societies out there in the world today and they're very secretive too. There are even secret societies out there in the world that many are aware that their motives are to rule over the world. So now, you're probably wondering what the heck does secret societies have to do with the final wars do you? It has a lot to do with wars with a quick theory I've come up with.
All throughout history there have been secret societies and they've may have been influenced by something or someone or another organization whose goals were similar. These secret societies hid information that was forbidden for the public during those times and harsh crimes even were ready for them if they were to be found with such information. But anyways, secret societies in the world has had powerful motives and it's scary that many secret societies still exists today.
So what do I think will become the final wars? Well I believe before "the final war(s) there will be World War Three first. The main objective for this war is just like the majority of wars in the old times. Just another way to modify human behavioral and another way to secretly take a lot of freedoms through fear. It will just be a game of the big guns sitting in the shadows smoking a cigar and making their next move on how can we continue taking freedom and also what should be the final plan for world domination? There will be a whole lot of scary events happening during this time and many people will still be blinded and the big guns in the shadows will still be calling this war to end all terrorism!
But just before this war happens, there will be a whole lot of planned events I can see, such events I have no knowledge of, but I have a very bad feeling about such events. One of the biggest events would to do something to depopulate the world's population because in order for them to carry out their agenda successfully, it will be obvious that war alone won't be enough to kill of the world's population. So they will try to combine both war and some bad terrible event to happen at the same time the third world war is going on. Then I have a feeling that the president during the time will say something on the lines such as this "Citizens of the United States, this message is urgent! We must put all citizens in relocation camps (actually FEMA camps) so we can protect the citizens of the United States from terrorists" People will be so afraid of the terrorists that they will just move along, but those who are courageous will stay back and fight the "terrorists." I feel that the real terrorist will be all branches of the U.S. armies. Every branch will work together to carry out the elitist blood cold agenda. The branches of services will be brainwashed and truly believe what they're doing is to protect the citizens of the United States. They'll be so ignorant that it'll be unbearable to watch!
As time move forward I feel as if they're going to be ready for the New World Order. The president during the time will say something on the lines of this "We've defeated the terrorists!" The people of the public will be so happy and feel relieved and so many changes will have been going on, the people of the public won't even care if so much has changed. So much will have been changed during the war, the president will say something on the lines of this "Since we are still clearing up to find leaders of the terrorist groups, we will have to keep you in the relocation camps just for a little while, protecting the citizens is our number one priority!" The citizens will gain so much trust in this president, they will do whatever he says and because of they're so afraid, they'll do anything he says because anyone should know that fear is one of the most damned powerful emotions in the world out there! They will continue using scare tactics while they begin to have their final plans of how they will complete the New World Order.
Now, as I said before, I don't believe the final war will be World War 3! I believe the last war will be the war between all of the secret societies. I believe that once they're all happy that they're going to get the power that they've waited for so so  many years to obtain, they will all have a disburse of a dark argument of who should be in control. These arguments between all of the secret societies who run the world today will get out of control and finally have a war between each other.
But wait, if they're fighting over who will become the true ruler of the new world order, what will be happening on in the FEMA relocation camps? There will be constant procrastination on "We're still on the lookout for remainder terrorist" said by the president during that time! The citizens will begin to become very tired of hearing the same news every single day and ready to go back to their homes with their friends and families and start life back to normal with no more chaos around anymore. There will hopefully be some awakened people around and notice that the time is right to awaken the public of the truth! The people will learn the truth because of the awakened people who have been sticking around and the public will begin to become furious and finally get the courage and willpower to overtake their country back! But this will not be an easy job because all of the guns have been taken by the military. The military shoot the citizens on sight because they've been modified to shoot anyone who leaves out of the perimeters on sight! This will truly become another revolution in history. This revolution will be a revolution for the liberty of everyone in the United States (specifically)! The secret societies will begin to notice this and stop having their little war on the public. It'll be total chaos on each end. The citizens of the United States will begin taking their country back and building it back to the country it once use to be many years ago! But, there will still be attempts of taking it over by the secret societies from every angle. So wait, will the citizens truly become strong enough to stop secret societies from attacking? I believe not at all. Those people were so damn smart and will not allow their plans to falter so quick. They will stop at nothing to get what they've wanted and people will not be smart enough to realize who will be the change agents in their surroundings.
I feel that the secret societies will become secret again hiding in the shadows planning out a new master plan on the world... The endless cycle will not stop if these societies and ideologies of taking over the world will still be around.... I feel that there will need to be an elite team of both intelligent and strong team force to take out the secret societies who plan to take over the world, so the world can really begin a new paradigm with no evil planning on triumphing over the world from the beginning...
I hope some of this stuff don't actually happen... But what I do hope happen is that the public begin questioning authority and start to fight for their liberty. Liberty and freedom are the most precious things in the world and it's so hard to obtain, but at the same time it's totally free. But there are always people who want to gain power and become the ruler and throughout history, there has been proof that this is actually true. A revolution alone will not allow us to obtain our liberty back, well that would work only if the military would be awakened because if it were to be a revolution they'll just blindly follow orders and believe what they have been programmed to believe which is "What they're doing is completely alright and safe. It's for the better of our country!" The orders will to be to shoot people that disobey. We wont have our guns because they are pushing to take guns away so bad. We'll have to use another method of protecting ourselves and our families and friends, that is for sure.
Everything I said, just came to me naturally. As I mentioned before, I hope the only thing that actually happens is for the public begin to question authority and awaken themselves. I hope we be able to take our country back. The country whose values are to be absolutely free and to wish to live out our dreams and desires one day! Protecting everyone's dreams is my true dream and I will not give up such a dream so easily! That is all I have to say today...